Beyond Six Figures <> Cometly

Cometly Beyond Six Figures Exclusive Offer!

Track ads for your Shopify store & use accurate data to optimize for better ad performance — all in one place. Cometly makes it fast & easy to identify which ads are generating profits and gives you a extreme competitive advantage by having access to better ad attribution and analytics.



Accurate ad attribution is the foundation of scaling your digital ads profitably

Ecommerce marketing teams are rapidly creating and testing new ad creative to find winning ads — and that's only possible by having accurate ad attribution. Cometly helps ecommerce stores accurately track to quickly identify winning ads, save wasted ad spend, and increase ad profits.

Start tracking in under 10 minutes.


Seamlessly connect all of your ad platforms and Shopify store.


Install the Comet pixel on your store and track all of your sales back to the correct ads.


Make data-driven decisions based off your ad performance.


Use the Comet Ads Manager to control budgets, and turn ads on/off.

Accurate Ad Attribution

No more missed sales because you rely on inaccurate data from the native ad platforms. With our proprietary pixel technology we track sales back to the correct ad so that you can make the right decisions on your campaigns.

Easy Data Analysis

Easily analyze the numbers that matter (gross revenue, ROAS, net profit, etc.) without having to spend hours putting data into spreadsheets.

Faster Ad Optimization

Our direct partner integration with the ad platforms enables you to turn off ads or increase/decrease the budgets directly from within the Cometly platform.

Hour glass
Save Time

The average Cometly user saves upwards of 2 hours per day reviewing their ad data and making decisions. This free time allows you to spend more time creating and launching ads and increasing your revenue.

Save Money

Did you know that 50% of ad spend is wasted? With Cometly, you know exactly what ads are making you money and which ads are not making you money. Cut back on wasted ad spend and scale up your winning ads by having accurate ad data.


Finally delete those slow, clunky spreadsheets that drive you crazy and replace them with Cometly’s beautiful interface to get updated data in near real time.

Comet Pixel </>

Advanced server side tracking

Our server-side pixel will bypass IOS14 and ad blockers that limit your attribution.

Never miss another sale from ads

Use the Comet Pixel to accurately track sales back to the correct ad, every time.

Comet Ads Manager

The most advanced ads manager on the planet

Turn off the losing ads and increase the budgets on the winning ads. Maintain full control of your ads from right inside the Comet Ads Manager.

Make decisions faster & massively increase ROAS

The Comet Ads Manager will cut your ads management hours in half while helping you increase your ROAS via data-driven decisions.

Conversion API

Feed accurate data back to ad platforms

Feed your ad platform’s conversion optimization system by taking the accurate Cometly data and passing it back to the native ad platform.

Conversion Optimization Advantage

Get better conversion optimization on your ads by passing accurate data to the ad platform. This will help the ad platform optimize your ads for better ROAS.


Manage unlimited Shopify Stores

Unlock accurate ad tracking for as many stores as you need! Invite teammates and assign them access to the specific Spaces they need.

The #1 ad tracking tool for agencies

Ad agencies are sprinting to Cometly because you’re able to manage as many clients as you need using “Spaces,” for no additional cost.

Hear from our loyal customers

Join these other advertisers just like you and start scaling your ads!

Mark Hodierne

"I came to Cometly after a few months using one of the existing market leading tracking systems. That system was incredibly complex and actually increased my workload. Cometly was a complete surprise. The setup is impossibly simple and the user interface is a dream compared to the competition. Instantly, my life has been made easier. And the best news is that the software continues to be improved in ways that add more and more value to me. That's because super experienced Facebook marketers have developed Cometly. The tracking solution they've developed fits my business like a glove."

Luke Chittick

"I want to start this by saying “you have no idea….” but I know you actually do. However, I’m going to start it like that anyway… you have NO IDEA how much time Cometly saves me! Let’s break it down for fun … conservatively it saves me at least an hour a day. So that would be 365 hours a year which equates to about 2 weeks out of the year that I had been dedicating to crunching numbers! And… I hated crunching numbers! I’ve never been a math guy and looking at numbers gives me a headache. With Cometly, the decision on when to cut or scale ads is now so easy! Very grateful for this and I hope no one else, outside of the founding members, purchases this because I feel like we have such an advantage!… it’s almost like we are cheating."

Andreas Häggkvist
Business Owner

"Have to say a huge thank you to Cometly, the guys working hard behind the scenes Grant Cooper & Matt Pattoli, and of course their team. Cometly has been nothing but success for me since I joined. I've used other tracking software's in the past but they don't even come close to the performance and features Cometly provides. Every update so far has been an absolute game-changer to my success. Can't wait for all the new ones you have up and coming!"