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Cometly Scale Software + Course Bundleall in one place.

1 Year Cometly Subscription

Use Cometly to increase visibility on your ad campaigns and identify what specific ads are generating revenue and profits in one UI. Feed the ad platforms AI with accurate attribution data to get better results on your ads.

Cometly Tier 1 Support

Get daily live chat with our enterprise level support team, onboarding resources to help you setup your account, and access to our exclusive beta testers list for first access to all new Cometly features.

Cometly Ad Mastery Academy

Access to training courses to learn how to launch, grow, or scale your ad campaigns. Get the latest tactical ad and funnel strategies for generating affiliate sales, ecommerce sales, lead generation, software sign ups, and many more verticals. All strategies are proven to work derived from billions of data points.

Cometly Insiders Community

Get free lifetime access to a community of advertisers that share tactical ad scaling strategies. Public price of $499 /year subscription for community access.

Jonathan Gosper

“Cometly has become the source of truth. We went from flying blind to flying with a very reliable radar in front of us. It gave us a set of eyes to actually understand how things perform, which helps us scale the ads much more.”

Dustin Cucciarre
Head of Marketing, Clicks Geek

"With the ability to track clicks, conversions, and other key metrics across multiple channels and campaigns, I am able to quickly identify what is working and what is not, and make data-driven decisions to optimize my campaigns."

Andreas Häggkvist
CEO, Andy Okay

"I've used other tracking software's in the past but they don't even come close to the performance and features Cometly provides. Every update so far has been an absolute game-changer to my success. Can't wait for all the new ones you have up and coming!"

Anthony Camacho
CEO, Five Aces Media

“Cometly gives me the visibility I need to confidently scale my ad campaigns. It's impossible to scale my ads without using Cometly.”

Leo Roux
Founder, Petsmont

"I am very impressed with the tracking accuracy. I would say it tracks about 90% of my orders, sometimes more, whereas Facebook tracks maybe 50% (but mostly it attributes sales to the wrong ad sets!)."

Sam Leone
Founder, Prime Reach Media

“Lost revenue found! Cometly really helps us see this lost revenue to make better decisions with our FB/IG ads. Would recommend to anyone running ads!”

Have questions?

What if I need help setting up my account?

We have an amazing support staff! We have very detailed onboarding resources and video tutorials that walk you through setup every step of the way. If you still have additional questions you can contact our support team and get super fast support!

Will my Cometly subscription renew next year and can I opt-out of renewal?

Yes, your Cometly subscription will be automatically set to renew at $1,997. You can opt-out of renewal at any point of the 1 year license billing cycle.

How much ad spend is included in my Cometly account for this special offer?

Your account will have up to $120,000 /year for this plan. We have affordable upgrade options in the event you need to upgrade your account for more ad spend usage.

How many integrations can I have?

Unlimited data integrations with your account using Spaces to create and manage multiple data integrations. Add unlimited workspaces, no additional cost.

How many ad accounts can I integrate?

This special offer will provide you with unlimited amount of ad accounts from the major ad platforms. You also can have unlimited team members.