Buddy King

Account Executive

November 9, 2022

6 minute read

5 Ways To Improve Your Landing Page Conversion Rate

If you're running an online business, then you know that one of the most important things is making sure your website converts as many visitors into customers as possible. Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to improve your conversion rate and make it easier for people to buy from you. Here are five of them:

1. Use ClickFunnels

If you're not using ClickFunnels, then you're missing out on a powerful tool that can help increase your conversion rate. ClickFunnels is designed to help you create highly effective sales funnels that convert more visitors into customers. ClickFunnels is one of the most popular softwares for advertising online, and their system makes it really easy to build a highly effective web sales funnel for marketers. If you're not using ClickFunnels, then you're missing out on an easy way to improve your conversion rate.

2. Optimize your website for conversions

Make sure your website is optimized for conversions by making it easy to use and navigate, and by having strong call-to-actions that encourage people to buy from you. The easier it is for people to buy from you, the more likely they are to do so.

Website speed is very important these days for your conversion rate. Today, users do not have the patience for slow load times.  Additionally, users are not extremely trustworthy of websites with "buggy" behavior. So it is important to ensure that your website is nice and speedy.

3. Use retargeting ads

Retargeting ads are a great way to remind people who have visited your website about your product or service, and they're more likely to convert if they see your ad again.  You can use Facebook retargeting ads or Google AdWords retargeting ads to reach people who have already visited your website, by uploading a list of emails of people who have purchased from your store.

This is a great method of targeting the portion of your audience that is in the "consideration" stage of the buyer's journey. If you're not using retargeting ads, then you're missing out on an easy way to improve your conversion rate!

4. Test different versions of your website

Test different versions of your website to see which one converts better. Try changing the design, copy, call-to-actions, or anything else that might make a difference. Adding widgets to your site such as a "spinner" or a timer can also boost your conversion.  

Spinners allow customers to spin a wheel for a chance to win a discount on your store, which is a fun way of interacting w the customer as well as giving an enticing offer. Adding something like a timer to your site will create a sense of urgency for the consumer and may (or may not) help to boost conversions.

The more you test, the more likely you are to find a version of your website that converts better.

5. Use social proof

Social proof is a powerful way to increase conversions because it helps to build trust and credibility. Make sure to include testimonials, reviews, and social media buttons on your website so people can see that others have had a positive experience with you.

Asking your customers to rate their experience is a great way for you to hear about your strengths and weaknesses from a customer's point of view, and good feedback for learning how you could be better.  Additionally, when potential customers see all of the proof that your other customers are THRILLED with their experience with your business, they are much more likely to confidently purchase from you.

The more social proof you have, the easier it will be to convert visitors into customers.

All in all, there is no singular way to improve your business's conversion rate. There are many ways to increase conversion rate, but some are a little bit simpler than others.  Tactics such as using landing pages, using retargeting ads, optimizing your product page for conversions, and using social proof are some of the sure-fire ways to improve your site's conversion rate.   Try out a few different tactics and see which conversion rate optimization methods work best for your business!

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