Grant Cooper

Founder at Cometly

August 10, 2023

5 minute read

Understanding LinkedIn Ads Frequency Cap

LinkedIn, the world's largest professional network with over 700 million users worldwide, offers a unique and valuable advertising platform for businesses. When it comes to LinkedIn advertising, the frequency cap is an essential component to understand and utilize effectively. In this article, we delve into what a LinkedIn Ads frequency cap is, its importance, and how you can use it effectively in your marketing strategy.

What is LinkedIn Ads Frequency Cap?

Before diving deep into the LinkedIn Ads frequency cap, it's crucial to understand the basic terminology. Frequency, in advertising, refers to the average number of times a unique user sees your ad during a given period. Meanwhile, a cap is a limit set to control how many times a particular ad is displayed to a unique user within that period.

Hence, LinkedIn Ads frequency cap refers to the limit you can set to control the number of times a unique user views your ad within a specified timeframe. This frequency cap is determined at the campaign level and impacts all the ads within that campaign.

Why is Frequency Cap Important?

Frequency cap plays a vital role in achieving a balance between awareness and annoyance. If a user sees an ad too frequently, it can lead to ad fatigue or annoyance, leading the user to ignore the ad or develop negative feelings towards the brand. On the other hand, if the ad is not shown enough, it may not effectively get the message across, resulting in low brand awareness and engagement.

A well-optimized frequency cap allows businesses to maintain high ad recall rates while avoiding overexposure. It also helps control ad spend and improves the overall effectiveness of a campaign. For these reasons, understanding and effectively managing your LinkedIn Ads frequency cap can significantly impact your ad campaign's success.

How Does LinkedIn Ads Frequency Cap Work?

When setting up a LinkedIn Ads campaign, the frequency cap option is available under the "Budget & Schedule" section. Advertisers can set a frequency cap based on a daily or weekly schedule, meaning you can limit how many times a unique user sees your ad in a day or week.

LinkedIn measures ad frequency using browser cookies and mobile advertising identifiers (MAIDs), so even if a user is not logged into their LinkedIn account, the platform can still count their ad frequency. However, it's important to note that frequency caps are not guaranteed, as LinkedIn's delivery system optimizes for performance, and it may exceed the frequency cap if it determines it would benefit the campaign's performance.

Best Practices for LinkedIn Ads Frequency Cap

While there are no universally optimal numbers for frequency caps, given they depend on various factors including the type of campaign, audience, industry, and specific marketing goals, there are some best practices to consider:

1. Start with LinkedIn's Recommendations

LinkedIn recommends a daily frequency cap of 3-4 impressions for Sponsored Content and Text Ads, and a weekly frequency cap of 20 for Message Ads. This can be a good starting point for businesses new to LinkedIn advertising.

2. Test and Adjust

As with many aspects of digital marketing, the effectiveness of your frequency cap can vary based on numerous factors. Don't be afraid to experiment with different frequency cap levels and measure the impact on your campaign performance. LinkedIn provides analytics for ad recall, reach, and frequency, which can help in understanding the ideal frequency cap for your campaigns.

3. Keep an Eye on Ad Fatigue

Monitor your campaign metrics for signs of ad fatigue, such as declining click-through rates and increasing cost-per-click. If you notice these signs, consider lowering your frequency cap, adjusting your ad content, or changing your target audience.

4. Balance Reach and Frequency

Striking a balance between reach and frequency is critical. While high frequency can ensure your ad is remembered, too high a frequency can lead to ad fatigue. On the other hand, a broader reach with lower frequency can increase brand awareness but may not be effective at driving action. Test and optimize to find the right balance for your campaigns.

5. Consider Your Audience Size

Frequency cap settings may also depend on your audience size. A smaller audience may require a lower frequency cap to avoid overexposure, while a larger audience may handle a higher frequency cap.

In conclusion, the LinkedIn Ads frequency cap is a powerful tool that can significantly impact the success of your LinkedIn advertising campaigns. By understanding how it works and implementing the best practices discussed, advertisers can optimize their campaigns to achieve high recall rates, avoid ad fatigue, control ad spend, and ultimately drive better campaign results.