Tom King

Account Executive

August 25, 2022

8 minute read

The Best Ecommerce Tracking App for boosting ROAS on Paid Ad Campaigns

If you're running an ecommerce business, and you're running paid ads for Facebook, Instagram, Google, or TikTok ads, you need to be using an ecommerce tracking app. Without accurate ecommerce tracking data, it's impossible to know whether your ad campaigns are profitable, and make informed decisions about where to allocate your advertising budget. In this blog post, we will discuss the best ecommerce tracking app for boosting ROAS on paid ad campaigns.

Cometly has your back

Cometly is an amazing ecommerce tracking app that can save you from the advertising pitfalls that were caused by the iOS14 update.  Not only does it give you the ability to track your ecommerce sales data, but it also provides valuable insights into which ad campaigns are driving the most ROI. Shopify store owners have been raving about all the time and money that Cometly has been saving them on their ads.

What are the benefits of using Cometly?

  1. Accurate attribution data on true purchases and revenue data
  2. Help you easily identify trends on your ads with color-coded ROIs and Daily breakdowns
  3. Ads Management features to help you scale up winning ads and scale down and turn off losing ads

Accurate attribution data on true purchases and revenue data

Accurate ecommerce tracking data is essential for any business running paid ads.

Cometly is a great ecommerce tracking app that can save you time and money by providing accurate attribution data on true purchases and revenue data. With Cometly, you can easily identify trends in your ads and make informed decisions about where to allocate your advertising budget.

There are a few reasons why other ecommerce tracking apps do not have data that is as accurate as Cometly. First, Cometly has an amazing team of engineers who are constantly working to improve the tracking capability of the app, as well as add new helpful features for you. Second, Cometly has a customer support team that is ready to help you with any issues you are having and answer any questions you might have about your data. Tracking data can be very confusing, and Cometly's customer support team is here to help you understand how to interpret your data so you can make the right decisions when scaling your ads. This means that you can trust the data that Cometly provides to make informed decisions about your ad campaigns. Finally, Cometly is integrated with Shopify, which allows it to provide accurate ecommerce tracking data for Shopify store owners.

Cometly will help you easily identify trends on your ads with color-coded ROIs and Daily breakdowns

Once you have accurate attribution data on true purchases and revenue,  you can start to do performance analysis on your ads. Cometly's dashboard will help you easily identify trends in your ads with features like color-coded ROIs and daily breakdowns. This will help you scale up winning ads and scale down and turn off losing ads.

With Cometly, you can easily see how an ad performed on each individual day in a selected date range. This is valuable information for ecommerce businesses who are looking to boost their ROAS (return on advertising spend). By being able to see how ads are performing on a day-by-day basis, you can easily notice if an ad is starting to lose momentum and turn the ad off before it starts to tank your budget. On the flip side, the daily breakdown will also help you identify if an ad is gaining momentum so you can scale it up and catch as much revenue as possible on the winning ad.

The color-coded ROI column in Cometly will help you quickly identify whether or not an ad is profitable with just a glance. This is an invaluable feature for ecommerce businesses who are looking to save time when analyzing ads. When combined with the daily breakdown feature, you can easily see if an ad is earning profits on each individual day, which makes it much easier and quicker to identify the decision you need to make on the ad.

Cometly has Ads Management features to help you scale up winning ads and scale down and turn off losing ads

Cometly's ads management features include the ability to turn ads on and off directly from inside Cometly. This feature works extremely well with the daily breakdowns and color-coded ROIs because you can immediately decide on what you want to do with an ad after analyzing it in Cometly. If an ad is doing poorly you can scale it down or turn it right off from the Cometly Dashboard, without having to go into your Facebook Ads Manager! This will save you a lot of time on your ads management so you will no longer need to jump between your ecommerce tracking app and your FB  Ads Manager.

Overall, Cometly's ads management features make it an invaluable tool for ecommerce businesses who want to get more accurate attribution data and make better decisions on their ads at a much faster pace to save time and money on paid ads, ultimately boosting ROAS and keeping the business profitable.

Learn more about how Cometly can help attribute revenue back to the correct ads and understand where customers are coming from → Cometly Ecommerce Demo