Match Enhancer

Use the Cometly Conversion API to send accurate data back to the ad platforms for better ad optimization.

Boost targeting by sending accurate sales data back to ad platforms

Cometly will send all of the accurate sales data that we capture directly back to the native ad platform. This will massively improve the targeting and optimization of your ad campaigns. Get higher ROAS and more consistent results for your ads.

Feed the platform AI

The native ad platforms have some of the most advanced AI targeting and conversion optimization systems on the planet. Cometly will send back all of the accurate sales data that we capture so their AI systems improve the optimization of your ad campaigns, leading to better ad results.

Easy configuration

Most CAPI’s (Conversion API’s) are extremely complicated to set up and require a professional software developer. We’ve done all the hard work for you, so all you need to do is click 1 button and your data will begin sending back to the native ad platforms.

Ready to get better ad results?

Improve visibility. Feed AI for better ad optimization.