Buddy King

Account Executive

April 14, 2023

5 minute read

Experience Maps vs. Journey Maps: Understanding the Key Differences

An experience map and a journey map are both tools used in user experience (UX) design and service design to visualize and understand user interactions with a product or service. While they have similarities, their focus, scope, and purpose are different. 

Here's a breakdown of the two:

Experience Map

  1. Focus: An experience map illustrates the overall experience of users interacting with a product or service across multiple touchpoints, channels, and phases. It takes into consideration the users' emotions, motivations, pain points, and moments of delight throughout the entire experience.
  2. Scope: Experience maps tend to cover a broader scope, looking at the users' entire experience, from initial awareness to long-term engagement, often across different contexts and situations.
  3. Purpose: The goal of an experience map is to identify areas for improvement, reveal opportunities for innovation, and inform design decisions for a more holistic, seamless, and positive user experience.

Journey Map

  1. Focus: A journey map focuses on the specific steps or stages that users go through when interacting with a product or service. It highlights the touchpoints, user actions, pain points, and emotions during a specific process or task.
  2. Scope: Journey maps have a more narrow scope, focusing on a single user's journey, usually tied to a specific goal or task within the context of using a product or service.
  3. Purpose: The goal of a journey map is to identify and understand user pain points, barriers, and opportunities for improvement during a specific process or interaction, enabling designers to optimize and enhance the user experience for that particular journey.

Journey maps can be used for user experience or for marketing teams to understand the B2B customer journey. An experience map provides a high-level overview of the user's entire experience across multiple touchpoints and channels, while a journey map dives into the details of a specific user's journey to accomplish a particular goal or task within a product or service. Both are valuable tools for gaining insights and informing design decisions to improve user experience.